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Our headquarters are based in China’s Shandong District.

Weifang, Shandong, CHINA

1-1-917, Danguili Golden Street, Dongfeng Street

(+86) 18005368542

TEL: +86 18005368542

WHATSAPP: +8618005368542

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Penlucky places a high value on ecological balance. We actively engage in activities aimed at raising environmental awareness. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in various practices:

  1. Waste Reduction: We are dedicated to reducing waste and actively recycle materials. We employ cutting-edge nano-technology to prevent the emergence of non-recyclable waste, minimizing our environmental footprint.
  2. Resource Efficiency: We prioritize the efficient use of energy, raw materials, and natural resources in our operations. This not only reduces costs but also minimizes the impact on the environment.
  3. Environmental Management: Our environmental management systems are under constant scrutiny for improvement. We are committed to monitoring and enhancing our practices to align with the latest environmental standards.
  4. Safety First: Above all, we prioritize the health and safety of our employees and stakeholders. We expend maximum effort to minimize accidents and hazards in our workplace.
  5. Conscious Production: Our production processes and operations are conducted with a deep awareness of their impact on the environment, as well as the well-being and safety of our workers.
  6. Innovation: We remain at the forefront of technological innovations in our industry, in sync with global trends. This ensures that we meet our customers’ needs while adhering to the highest standards of environmental management.

At Penlucky, we are committed to meeting our customers’ needs and expectations in accordance with the requirements of our management system. Our dedicated management team and trained personnel work tirelessly to uphold our environmental and sustainability commitments.

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With our market-leading generator & marine power & pump solution, we can improve your business productivity and cut down costs. Receive a free quote today!

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