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Our headquarters are based in China’s Shandong District.

Weifang, Shandong, CHINA

1-1-917, Danguili Golden Street, Dongfeng Street

(+86) 18005368542

TEL: +86 18005368542

WHATSAPP: +8618005368542

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Generator Catalog

Portable diesel generators for on-the-go power needs and Industrial diesel generators for robust and reliable industrial applications.

Weichai marine product guide

A comprehensive range of high-performance marine engines designed for versatile maritime applications.

Water pump unit

The water pump unit delivers efficient and reliable water pumping solutions for various applications.

Save Time, Money, and Space With Our Generator & Engine & Mobile Pump.

With our market-leading generator & marine power & pump solution, we can improve your business productivity and cut down costs. Receive a free quote today!

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